Alarm Transmitter Integrations Overview
Know which evalink talos integrations are referred to as alarm transmitter integrations. Find out how to configure an integration in evalink talos and which connection status indicators are available on the virtual receiver page.
Configure Email Integration
Find out how to set up Email in evalink talos and how to receive email notifications about your alarms. Find out how to configure email address to use in workflows and reports.
Configure Virtual Email Receiver Integration
Find out how to set up Virtual Email Receiver integration in evalink talos and how to convert your incoming emails into evalink talos alarms.
Configure Virtual Receivers
This page in future will provide instructions on configuring each specific virtual receiver.
evalink talos Integrations
Know which types of integrations are provided by evalink talos. Find out how to configure some of these intergrations from the provided video tutorials.
Generic Receiver Global Setup
Global configuration of Generic Receiver
Generic Receiver Overview
An overview of Generic Receiver on evalink talos, supported models of hardware panels that can be connected to it. Find out how to set up Generic receiver in evalink talos on a global level.
Generic Receiver Setup for a Site
An overview of Generic Receiver on evalink talos, supported models of hardware panels that can be connected to it. Find out how to set up Generic receiver in evalink talos on a global level.
Global Integration Setup
Find out how to configure global settings for Virtual Frontel GI Receiver.
Global TNA Integration Setup
Find out how to configure global settings for Virtual TNA Receiver.
Sites Overview
Configure sites to receive alarms and automate alarm handling by means of schedules, workflows, statuses, and Status Rules.
TNA Integration Setup for a Site
Find out how to configure site settings for Virtual TNA Receiver.
TNA Web Server
An overview of TNA Web Server and setup and configuration options available from evalink talos
Use of Virtual Frontel GI Receiver
Understand how it is possible to filter alarms arriving through the Frontel GI integration automatically using the Frontel GI server and panel identifiers.
Use of Virtual Galaxy Receiver
Find out how to process alarms from the Virtual Galaxy Receiver, how to use this integration in workflows
Use of Virtual TNA Receiver
Find out how to configure site settings for Virtual TNA Receiver.
Virtual Frontel GI Receiver Overview
Find out how Virtual Frontel GI Receiver works.
Virtual Galaxy Receiver Global Setup
An overview of Virtual Galaxy Receiver on evalink talos, supported models of Honeywell Galaxy series panels. Find out how to set up virtual Galaxy receiver in evalink talos on a global level.
Virtual Galaxy Receiver Overview
An overview of Virtual Galaxy Receiver on evalink talos, supported models of Honeywell Galaxy series panels. Find out how to set up virtual Galaxy receiver in evalink talos on a global level.
Virtual Galaxy Receiver Setup for a Site
Find out how to set up virtual Galaxy receiver in evalink talos on a site level, how to generate credentials for your Galaxy panel and how to connect your Galaxy panel to the Virtual Galaxy Receiver on evalink talos.
Virtual Receivers Setup on the Site Level
Find out how to add Frontel GI Receivers on site levels and configure them for receiving alarms.
Virtual SIA DC09 Receiver Ajax Panel Setup
How to configure Virtual SIA DC09 Receiver on evalink talos global level
Virtual SIA DC09 Receiver Global Setup
How to configure Virtual SIA DC09 Receiver on evalink talos global level
Virtual SIA DC09 Receiver Overview
An overview of Virtual SIA DC09 Receiver on evalink talos, supported panels and configuration.
Virtual SIA DC09 Receiver Site Setup
How to configure Virtual SIA DC09 Receiver on evalink talos for a particular site
Virtual TNA Receiver Overview
Find out how to configure global settings for Virtual TNA Receiver.
Work with Virtual Receiver Logs
Find out about working with logs from various Virtual Receivers that you have connected to evelink talos.
Work with Webhooks
Find out how to set use webhooks to perform various actions in evalink talos
Working with Virtual TNA Receiver Controls
Find out how to configure site settings for Virtual TNA Receiver.